5 Under 40: Wesley Walthall
Welcome to our 5 Under 40 young leaders for 2018. They are, as always, a talented, diverse group of young people who are moving our beloved Macon forward. We have always felt this annual project of Macon Magazine is an important one. Identifying interesting young people who are successful and giving back to the community in so many wonderful ways creates hope for our future. Each year past young leaders nominate, vote and choose the new ones. They are all a privilege to know and a privilege to introduce to Macon Magazine readers. Enjoy!
Wesley Walthall, 30
Vice President of Sales,
Walthall Oil Company
Macon Magazine: As you look to the future, what are your professional and personal goals?
Wesley: Professionally, I strive to make decisions that benefit the 125-plus employees we have at Walthall Oil Company. As we expand our reach, it is my goal to be the best regional supplier of petroleum products while maintaining a healthy working environment for all of our team members. Personally, my goal is to maintain a healthy work-life balance in order to commit enough time to support my family, as well as have a deeper involvement with our community.
MM: You have shown a commitment to move this community forward in positive, important ways. Tell us about your activities in the community, especially those you’re most excited about.
Wesley: Moving back to Macon after graduating from the University of Georgia, I enjoyed my involvement with the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce first with Leadership Macon followed by several years serving on the board. It was great to learn about the importance of promoting a positive business environment in Macon and the benefits that such an environment can provide to the entire community. I’m most excited about the downtown revitalization, as I recently began living downtown. It’s amazing to see the positive energy happening each day. By creating a healthy concept of “place” we can continue to support old and new Maconites for years to come.
MM: Right now, what is the best thing going on in Macon?
Wesley: While living among the incredible investments and revitalization in downtown Macon, I also have been excited to see all of the economic development activity as existing businesses grow and new ones begin to call Macon home. It’s exciting to see companies such as Kumho, Irving and Amazon select Macon to conduct business. The benefit to our community is widespread.
MM: What really needs to change to encourage continued progress in our city?
Wesley: I think it is important to spread the positive word about Macon. Every city has its issues, but if we only focus on the negatives then all of the great work – done by a variety of people from leadership positions to local charities – gets lost in the mix. There are so many people and organizations doing great things in our community and I hope that the good news of their work can tackle the challenges we face and create a great environment to live, work and play.
MM: What are you, personally, committed to accomplishing in Macon and why?
Wesley: I’m committed to spreading the positive word about Macon, and continuing to nurture the existing businesses here while also striving to recruit new ones. A healthy business environment provides jobs, broadens the tax base and supports local charities. We need to continue to focus on promoting our city as a great place to locate so we can all share in the benefits of a healthy business environment.