Women in Business 2021: McArthur Law Firm
6055 Lakeside Commons Drive, Suite 400, Macon; 478-238-6600
1201 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 200, Atlanta; 404-565-1621
What is the mission of your business?
We represent people who have been injured or who have a loved one who has been killed in a car wreck or other type of accident as a result of the carelessness of another person or company. This includes people hurt by medical malpractice by a doctor or other medical professional. We fight to obtain compensation in the form of money damages to make them whole again and restore their lives. – Kathy McArthur
How do you define success?
I have been designated by my peers as one of the Top 10 lawyers in Georgia for each of the past three years. However, the way I define success is by being the lawyer/person that other lawyers send their friends and family to when they’ve been hurt by medical malpractice or when they have been injured in some type of wreck or other accident. I want to be the lawyer that people turn to in their hour of need. – Kathy McArthur
what is a challenging aspect of being a woman in business?
Respect. As a young female attorney eight years ago, no one took me seriously if they didn’t know me. Male lawyers are taken seriously regardless of their age. I had to work extremely hard to prove myself. I have learned to respect myself, be confident and ignore the disrespect. We have to give ourselves the respect and the confidence we deserve, and then it will come from others. – Jessica Edmonds
What is the best business advice you’ve ever received?
To help others without expecting credit or anything in return. It is hard not to want someone to acknowledge when you do something nice or help someone achieve something the’ve always wanted. But, generally speaking, you will receive a return on your investment at some point down the road, and regardless, you’ll be a kinder and better leader if you help others with this mindset. – Lindsey Macon
Your advice for women wanting to start their own business in Macon?
Prepare a budget that anticipates the cost of operating the business for at least a year and be sure you have access to at least that amount of funding. Don’t hesitate to ask people, particularly other women, for help when you run into problems. Be sure that the business you’re hoping to start answers a need or particular interest in our community, and market your business in whatever way you can to get the word out. You have to spend money to make money. – Kathy McArthur
How can women better support each other?
Women who are in positions where they can build up other women have a responsibility to do so. This can take many forms. It may be as simple as helping to mentor or encourage younger women in your community or workplace. Or, it may involve more direct action, like advocating for a woman to be selected for a certain position at work or on a board. Regardless, women should look for ways they can help build up other women! – Lindsey Macon
How can men better support women business owners/leaders?
Respect us, don’t interrupt us or talk over us, nominate us for leadership positions and awards in the industry. – Kathy McArthur
What are you most excited about right now in our community?
The thing I am most excited about right now in our community is the community itself and how it responds when called. When the pandemic first began, Kathy, Blake Sullivan, our firm and other members of the community created the Macon 30 Day Fund, which provided over $100,000 to local businesses. The food bank also has stepped up dramatically and our firm has been so glad to provide the manpower to pack the food and hand it out at food drives. Every single person we encounter has been a part of the fight and a team player. It has been really exciting to experience. – Jessica Edmonds
What is the most gratifying part of your job?
Simply being able to help people. When you are in a car wreck or truck wreck, it is a traumatic event – sometimes the most traumatic event of people’s lives. We get to help them through it, and get them compensation to cushion the pain or the loss. I love being able to hand that check to our clients and tell them it is theirs and no one else’s. – Jessica Edmonds
You might be surprised to know: That it doesn’t cost you anything to call us, or even meet with us. In fact, we don’t get paid unless we are able to get you compensation. A lot of people are afraid to call a lawyer because of the fear of the cost, but at our firm that initial phone call doesn’t cost you a thing! – Jessica Edmonds
I admire women who: Pursue their dreams and passions unapologetically. Women so often feel the need to justify the choices they make – especially to other women. I am always impressed by women who appear unencumbered by others’ expectations and who maintain confidence in their pursuits – whether that’s running for a position they know they would be good at, staying at home with children or pushing for a promotion at work. – Lindsey Macon
I hope more women will: Take on leadership roles in our community! Women have such a powerful perspective to offer, and we are under-represented almost universally in leadership positions. The more women we have in leadership, whether it be politically, in community organizations or at work, the more our society will reflect the perspectives and values of women. – Lindsey Macon
Looking back, I wish I had recognized: That I had to be myself in the practice of law and not try to imitate male lawyers that I knew who were successful. It took me years to realize that I had my own style and was successful in my own right and didn’t need to be told by anyone that I had done a good job. Hard work, determination and treating people right are the ways to achieve real success and satisfaction. – Kathy McArthur