Local Gift Guide: Nutcracker edition
By Rachelle Wilson
Photography by Mariah Gandy
Since 1985, Nutcracker of Middle Georgia has entertained Maconites young and old. The local interpretation of Tchaikovsky’s ballet, inspired by E.T.A. Hoffmann’s 1816 tale, has become a holiday tradition for many in our community.
As with any beloved experience, a token that keeps a bit of the memory alive is often welcome. The nutcracker gift shop, though evident to patrons only a few weeks of the year, is a year-round pursuit for some to snag their favorite holiday decor. Gift shop items, most famously the elaborate nutcrackers, are squirreled away throughout all seasons by caretakers devoted to erring on the side of surplus rather than shortage. All handcrafted by the renowned Kurt S. Adler, the nutcrackers are as diverse as those who enjoy their magical nature. Some are tall while others are stout; some are soldiers and others are bakers; some are the classic red while others boast a lovely pink; and each is a work of art in its own right.
Taking place at the Grand Opera House Dec. 8 – 11, Nutcracker of Middle Georgia ballet returns once more to enchant us. How special that recently deceased Nutcracker of Middle Georgia founder Jean Evans Weaver’s dream lives on through the twirls of children, the crawl of militant mice, and the leaps of sugarplums.
Even if the only snow we get this year is that of little ballerinas twirling about the stage, we can count our winter season sufficiently adorned if it includes a trip to this annual ballet. So, find a little time this winter season to visit the Nutcracker shop and bring home a magical toy of your own!