What’s Inside: Leila Regan-Porter
Leila Regan-Porter
Executive Assistant at the Otis Redding Foundation
Photos and Interview by Tiffany Olson
We love getting to know our fellow Maconites a little better by peeking into their bags. We sat down with Leila Regan-Porter, executive assistant at the Otis Redding Foundation and president of the Bragg Jam board to talk about her busy summer schedule and what keeps her sane.
Describe one of your typical days.
I wake up as early as humanly possible. About 4:30 a.m. is my goal, usually about 5 is when I actually get up. I do a 2-mile run. If it’s not great weather or my husband’s away, I will do a quick workout at home. My kid usually gets up (fingers crossed) about 6:15. I get her ready for school and get our dogs all taken care of. She goes to school at Vineville Academy, which is awesome. Then hopefully I get home for half an hour of Bragg Jam work and personal related emails. Then I get to work at 9a.m. at the Otis Redding Foundation. I usually get there, maybe have a lunch meeting, then leave at 5 to either go pick her up or to get her dinner ready–or I have board and committee meetings. I am usually in bed by 9 because by then I’m done.
What can you not live without?
My phone. Whether it’s my Otis Redding stuff, Bragg Jam stuff, my kid’s stuff – it’s all saved on some sort of cloud device and I can get to it whenever I need to. It’s nice because I can also talk to my mum while I’m working. I have to have a hanky with me! I don’t think a lot of people do any more, but growing up, having a handkerchief was a really big thing! Especially with all the allergies and pollen in Macon–the pollen just descends.But it also helps if you have a kid, and you have something you need to clean up on their face, you need a hanky. I have to have a good lipstick. If you look exhausted and you just have one good lipstick, it’s fantastic.
Do you tend to keep the same bag or swap it out?
Same bag. It’s always a crossbody, small bag. After I had my kid it has to be something hands free.This one I got for my birthday last year and it’s been fantastic; I love it. It’s really funky and weird but it goes with everything.
What’s the most interesting thing we’d find in your bag?
Probably the acorns! But honestly anyone who knows me wouldn’t be that surprised. I do love acorns and my kid always picks up acorns and gives them to me for me to carry.