Seasoned in Service
Jimmie Scott
63 years, dining room supervisor,
S&S Cafeteria, Bloomfield Village Dr.
Seasoned in Service is a series in our annual Food Issues, celebrating local food service professionals who have been in the business for ten or more years, highlighting their invaluable contributions to our community.
Interviews by Sierra Stark Stevens
Photos by DSTO Moore
Even after 63 years, Mr. Jimmie Scott of S&S Cafeteria still looks forward to work each day. Find out why below.
How long have you been in the service industry?
63 years. I started at S&S when I was 15 years old. I started out waiting tables, and then became the dining room supervisor. I run the dining room.
Is there a certain attitude or principle that has guided you in your work all these years?
I love the customers. They treat me real nice, and I’m real nice to them. I work real hard to satisfy them, and the children, to see a smile on their face. That, I really enjoy.
What should people eat or drink here?
Drink a little sweet tea and lemonade. Food, we got all kinds. Turkey, dressing, collard greens, we got everything going on. Roast beef, fried chicken, baked chicken, hamburger steaks, all of it. Get you a little bit of everything.
What makes you most proud at the end of the day?
Well, most of the time, it’s when a see a customer go out that dining room happy. Children happy. I like to see their mothers enjoy and be happy.
Is there anything you wish that people who don’t work in restaurants knew about the industry?
Come to S&S down here on Bloomfield.
What’s important to you outside of work?
Most of the time, I spend time with my family. But I really like to come to work. I come to work every day. I enjoy it.
You work seven days a week?
Sometimes I’ll take off a day or two.
Seven days a week for 63 years. That takes some dedication. What do you think gave you that kind of work ethic?
I don’t like to sit at home. I like to stay busy, you know? I like working.