The Bitter Southerner Podcast
By Mandy Wilson
Georgia Public Broadcasting is exploring Southern culture and the South’s contributions to American life with The Bitter Southerner Podcast, launched in partnership with the popular magazine, The Bitter Southerner.
Known for breaking stereotypes, the magazine has been hailed nationally for its coverage. Editor-in-Chief Chuck Reece also serves as host of The Bitter Southerner Podcast.
“Taking The Bitter Southerner into podcasting really allowed us to do something that I never expected, which is to connect the dots between stories we’ve told in the past on our website,” said Reece. “Because we’ve been around for five years now, we have amassed a lot of great stories about major drivers of Southern culture – music, food, agriculture, urban life, rural life and the list goes on. Co-producing The Bitter Southerner Podcast with GPB allows us to revisit some of those old stories, add some new material to them, and gather them all to tell a bigger story about the culture of region.”
Season One is available now. Listeners can subscribe to the podcast through iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spotify and NPR. The Bitter Southerner podcast is also available at gpb.org/podcasts and bittersoutherner.com.