Women in Business 2021: Macheita Adams
Safe Haven Accounting Services LLC
What is your mission?
To cultivate relationships through generational wealth building, financial services and community engagement.
What is the most gratifying part of your job?
Helping people overcome their negative habits and poverty mindsets that impact their financial situations.
What is a challenging aspect of being a woman in business?
Being a wife and mother of three with a full-time employment while working to build the business.
What is the best business advice you ever received?
To join the Urban Leadership Academy. The academy opened my eyes to new possibilities, partnerships and guidance that I don’t believe that I would have received otherwise.
I hope more women will: Find an organization or a mentor that mimic what the Urban Leadership Academy was to me.
Looking back, i wish i had known: That it is important to partner with others who are going where you want to go.
Your advice for women wanting to start their own business in Macon?
Pursue your dream. No matter how difficult the stretch or reach may seem, do it!
How do you define success?
Success to me is finishing strong, having done all that was in my heart to do and others received in the benefits of my work.
What are you most excited about right now in our community?
The unity that I have seen during COVID-19 where the community has come together to encourage each other.
You might be surprised that: A quote from late President Franklin Roosevelt inspired me to pursue no matter how hard. That quote is, “Some people die at 25, and are not buried until they are 75.”
I admire women who: Are confident in who they are and are not quick to give up the fight in pursuing their dreams as a business owner.
How can women better support each other?
By networking, and being part of various support groups and workshops.
How can men better support women business leaders?
Give emotional support, give a male’s point of view and help strategize.