The Leadership Issue
Be Team Macon-Bibb
We invite you to make the time to read about all the leaders in these pages. They are doing the work now for our future.
Our stories of leadership come with stories of hardship, like every other community. The rate of homicides in our community has been heavy on my heart these days, and I remain focused on Team Macon-Bibb, the partners and people doing the work.
“Now we have an opportunity … because of the American Rescue Plan … to create a once-in-a-lifetime program that will make Macon-Bibb County safer, stronger and more vibrant for our children and grandchildren,” proclaimed Mayor Lester Miller at a June 10 announcement introducing the Macon Violence Program (MVP) alongside commissioners, elected officials, department heads, community organizations, faith leaders, families of victims of violence and others. MVP is the new, data-driven and collaborative strategy to reduce violence in Macon-Bibb County.
Sheriff David Davis challenged the large audience on the lawn at Rosa Parks Square with another MVP, “most valued participants,” stating that we are all partners in this work. Since then, MVP has hit the ground running, pulling out surprisingly high numbers of residents to join Team Macon-Bibb at district meetings.
You can be a leader in the work to combat violence in our beloved community. Visit maconviolenceprevention.org to fill out a survey, sign up to volunteer and learn more about how you can find the right outlet to get involved. We even have the United States Army going door-to-door to gather survey responses.
As Sheriff Davis said, “Let’s go to work.”
After the community meetings and survey results are gathered, the community partners will come together to create an actionable plan focused on mental health, early intervention and boots on the ground efforts fuelled by a $2 million fund held at the Community Foundation Central Georgia for local groups to use data-based approaches to apply for funding to carry out the plan.
As we went to press, the Olympics were in full swing; our nation’s leaders were working to continue to strengthen our democracy; gatherings were being held to document voices from the community focused on how to heal violent acts; and our youngest rising leaders were just starting school, masked and ready.
Perhaps after reading the stories of our extraordinary people right here in our region, you will find more, better and maybe new outlets to flex your ability to serve. I commend you for any moment of leadership you exude these days. It’s courageous, and our young leaders are watching.
“This is personal to me. It should be personal to you,” Mayor Miller said at the closing of the announcement. “One person can’t do it … our team can.”
Lead on. Be Team Macon-Bibb.