A Day in the Life: Intern takes on Downtown Macon
By Savannah Smith
Join our intern Savannah Smith as she explores Downtown Macon’s eats and attractions.
Taste and See Coffee Shop and Gallery
I began my day meeting my friend Mary Catherine at one of my Macon staples, Taste and See. Being on Poplar Street, this coffee joint is in the heart of Downtown. With calm music and pastoral artwork, Taste and See is an ideal place to study or have a calm catch-up session with friends. While here, be sure to try a honey vanilla chai latte with oat milk and the Alamo, a turkey sandwich with pimento cheese and bacon. This is my go-to order every time!
Tubman African American Museum
After enjoying our drinks, Mary Catherine and I headed over to the corner of MLK and Cherry to tour the Tubman Museum. This was a self-guided experience that examined Black achievements in arts, science, education, and activism. Apart from the main attraction of the museum’s collection of artifacts related to Harriet Tubman, I most enjoyed the Untold Stories exhibition. This exhibition highlights the key figures in desegregating Macon, particularly in areas like education, military, and religion. Through this exhibit, the Tubman Museum communicates that change is not only made by the powerful, but by the collective action of people from all backgrounds. Walking through the full museum, which also includes exhibits about Macon’s music history and the inventions of Black intellectuals, takes roughly an hour and a half, making it a leisurely and informative way to spend an afternoon.
Kimchi Factory
After a brief interim back in my apartment, I ventured for the first time to Kimchi Factory. Tucked away on Walnut Street, this restaurant is ideal for an intimate environment and flavorful Korean cuisine. Our full spread consisted of bibimbap, chicken fried rice and dumplings. However, the vegetables on the side – potatoes, bean sprouts, cabbage kimchi and cucumbers – were the true stars of the night.