Get to Know Katie
Katie Marie O’Neal has been working with us as an Editorial Intern since January. Other than her interests in journalism, design and social media management, we wanted to learn a little more about what makes her tick with this short Q&A.
Best advice you have received:
Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy.
What I love most about Macon is
I love the variety of restaurants. I try to eat at a different restaurant every week!
What the world needs is
The world needs more kindness and love.
Salty or sweet?
Guilty pleasure?
I like watching slime videos on Instagram.
What is your favorite book?
“Midnight Pearls,” by Debbie Viguié.
Favorite writer?
Jane Austen.
To me, success means:
Being able to do what makes me happy and what I’m passionate about every day.
I’m exceptionally good at:
Eating spicy food! I love food that packs a punch.
I’m bad at:
Skating/skateboarding … anything that requires balance or wheels!
What talent would you like to have?
I wish I could be a sketch artist … like the ones that help identify criminals.
What three qualities matter most in life?
Faith, Family and Passion.
What is the best thing you have seen or heard lately?
I saw the new “Little Women” movie, and it was great!
Who is your favorite singer right now?
I love listening to Mandi Mapes! Her voice is beautiful.
What I know for sure:
Doing whatever makes you happy is the best thing to do.
And share a fact that you think people probably don’t realize about Macon Magazine.
The people that put the magazine together pour their heart and soul into it. They truly love Macon and want to share all the stories that make Macon, Macon.
Katie will graduate from Georgia College & State University in May 2020. She is currently seeking employment in the journalism or design industry.