All-local gift guide 2023
Macon Magazine has your back this holiday season with the best recommendations for shopping small. Go forth and spread the joy!
Put on for our city
Want to put on for your city? We invite you to read on to learn how to do just that from our local luminaries.
Local Gift Guide: Nutcracker edition
Find a little time this winter season to visit the Nutcracker shop and bring home a magical toy of your own!
Local Shopping Guide
A desk refresh with a local touch may be just what you need to re-energize your workday.
Washed Out in residence
"It All Feels Right" at home in Macon for this couple who've made a career - and built an incredible life - out of chillwave music stardom.
Macon music in a southern rock sanctuary
We often find that common ground is engraved in the chords, but the genres and the venues and the conversations sometimes vary.
Gorgeous generations
It truly takes a village to run a small business," Ashley Johnson said. "I feel like having my mom helping me out is everything.
Middle Georgia gems
A series of articles exploring charming towns worth a day-trip. Read about more locales at
Fitness Corner: Building muscle like a woman
If you haven't done so already, don't be afraid to embrace strength training. It keeps you strong, enhances your physique and preserves valuable muscle and bone tissue. And it's not just for the guys.
Artists make their mark for the ‘Pinkest Party on Earth’
For us Maconites, we know how truly special and serene it is to be surrounded by the organic beauty of more than 350,000 Yoshino cherry trees.